Property Management

Property Management Services

We believe a well managed property helps support a smooth running tenancy. Our experienced Property Managers are based in our local offices in order to most effectively respond to any maintenance concerns.

Our Property Management Service includes:

  • Appointment of a designated property manager
  • Access to vetted contractors
  • Arranging quotes and supervising repairs and maintenance
  • Key holding
  • Transfer of Utilities
  • Pre-tenancy inspection
  • Property inspections and report every 6 months
  • Deposit claim negotiation
  • 24 hour emergency contact

Our Property Management team can be contacted directly on: 020 8125 7124

Out of Hours/Emergency Contact

If you live in a property that is managed by Rampton Baseley and you have a genuine emergency out of hours, please call LSG Property Maintenance: 020 7101 3124

Before contacting our emergency contractor, you should consider whether it is necessary to call the contractor out.

What is generally classed as an emergency?

An emergency:

  • Would cause danger to your health.
  • Be a risk to your safety.
  • Potentially cause serious damage to a property.

For example:

  • Gas Leaks/loss of gas supply/carbon monoxide alarm siren. In this case you would need to call National Grid Gas on 0800 111 999.
  • Serious water leaks where the leakage cannot be contained until the next working day.
  • Damage caused as a result of a break-in which would compromise the security of the property and contents. You must report such an incident to the police and obtain a crime reference number.
  • Lock malfunction (please be aware, if the locksmith determines there is nothing wrong with the lock, you may be charged for his call out).
  • Serious structural damage.
  • Blocked/Non-functioning toilet (if there is only one in the property). However, if the blockage is caused by misuse then you may be asked to meet the cost of the call-out.
  • Total loss of electric power, or unsafe, broken, or missing electrical fitting, causing a dangerous fault that is immediately life threatening.
  • Loss of hot water and heating during winter months. Year-round for those deemed more vulnerable, e.g. a young baby, disabled, elderly. We ask that you have tried resetting the boiler and checked settings before contacting our emergency contractor. NOTE: Low boiler pressure does not necessarily warrant an emergency call-out as this is something that could be resolved without the need for a tradesperson.

In case of fire, crime or medical emergency, call 999

What is NOT an emergency?

  • Loss of hot water and heating outside of winter months, except for those with special needs such as disabled, elderly, young baby etc.
  • Appliance breakdowns – e.g. washing machines, ovens etc. These should be reported the next working day.
  • Normal wear and tear, maintenance, pest control.

If you are locked out, please call a local locksmith for assistance. A company we can suggest is JW Security: Julian: 07860 606151.  Please note that reimbursements will not be made should you lock yourself out. If there was a problem with the lock, please retain your receipt and send this to us, explaining the nature of the fault.

Please note that if it is not an emergency, we will deal with any maintenance issues when the office reopens. Please report the fault on our system via

If a contractor is called out of hours and it was not deemed an emergency, we cannot guarantee that you will be reimbursed for this cost.

For properties not managed by Rampton Baseley, please do not call our emergency contractor unless you have consent from your Landlord. If you call them and they attend, we cannot guarantee payment will be covered.